2022-12-29. Rate per 100,000 (1000 = 1%). Rate for two week data is daily. Δ is one week. Click on a header column to sort. Click again to reverse sort. Data from mass.gov: 2022-12-29, 2022-12-22 as of 10 am. Exact number not reported for municipalities with 1–5 cases. Negative numbers can occur if cases have been reassigned to another town in a subsequent week.
Risk color rules
Group Population under 10K 10K-50K Over 50K
Grey Less than or equal to 10 total cases Less than or equal to 10 total cases Less than or equal to 15 total cases
Green Less than or equal to 15 total cases <10 avg cases/100K AND >10 total cases <10 avg cases/100K AND >15 total cases
Yellow Less than or equal to 25 total cases ≥10 avg cases/100K OR ≥5% pos rate ≥10 avg cases/100K OR ≥4% pos rate
Red More than 25 total cases ≥10 avg cases/100K AND ≥5% pos rate ≥10 avg cases/100K AND ≥4% pos rate